COVID-19 Resources for Farmers and Farm Workers

Farming is essential.  We must protect agriculture’s greatest asset–the people working in the field. Use these resources to keep your farm and workers safe during the COVID-19 Outbreak.


NCAI Coronavirus Guidance


stop-the-spread-of-germs-sp ShareFactsAboutCOVID19Spanish ShareFactsAboutCOVID19English



NC DHHS_Interim Guidance for Congregate Living Settings

COVID-19 Fighting Product List

Map of NC Farm Worker Health Clinics

Assessment of Worker Symptoms

(\COVID-19 Guidance for Migrant Farm Workers and their Employers

Wash Your Hands Poster- Spanish

Wash Your Hands Poster- English

_Interim Guidance for Environmental Cleaning for Non-Healthcare Settings

Guide to Cloth Face Masks–Not a Respirator Replacement!